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Selamat Datang ..... di Blog TIK Pak Budi...!!! Mari .... kita saling berbagi ilmu yang kita miliki....!! Semoga Alloh selalu menuntun jalan kita...! Amin...

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Learner-centered approach to reading goals and growth: Free trial



"My students love the very visual new dashboards. They especially enjoy watching the numbers roll upward to their current Lexile each time they open the program. They wait with anticipation to see where it will land.

"We set quarterly goals, and the dashboard now allows students to quickly and visually track their overall growth each time they log in."

Laura Distelrath
English Teacher
St. Clair High School

Learner-centered approach empowers students to reach high standards for reading growth

Students need a meaningful way to set reading goals and measure progress, so they can see the connection between the efforts they make today and having the skills they will need in the future.

Total Reader's interactive dashboard uses a learner-centered approach to help students take responsibility for setting and reaching goals. Students can easily:

  • choose a short passage on a high-interest fiction or non-fiction topic
  • instantly receive feedback after completing each passage
  • view their progress on an interactive dashboard that helps keep them on track toward their reading goals

Learn more about our new dashboard!

The Lexile® Framework for Reading is used to set goals and monitor progress. Passages are always at the best level for reading growth to help students gain awareness of the effectiveness of their reading practice.

Sign up today for a free 45-day trial for a class, school or district!

About Total Reader and MetaMetrics

Total Reader is an online reading measurement program for grades 3-12 and early college years. It provides computer adaptive Lexile measurement from any device. It is specifically designed to encourage reading progress throughout a student’s education.


MetaMetrics®, an educational measurement and research organization, develops scientific measures of academic achievement that link assessment with targeted instruction to improve learning. The organization’s renowned psychometric team created The Lexile® Framework for Reading.

EDmin, the parent company of Total Reader, is dedicated to helping educators advance student achievement.

EDmin | 5473 Kearny Villa Road, Suite 300 | San Diego, California 92123

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