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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

EdWorld Newsletter - Self Esteem Lesson Ideas and More


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January 22, 2014

This Week's Featured Story:
Best Practices for Flipping the Classroom

Lesson Plans
Professional Development
Education Headlines

This week's newsletter is brought to you by Middlebury Interactive®.

Middlebury Interactive, the recognized leader in digital world language instruction, offers a full suite of courses in Spanish, French, Chinese, German and Latin—from elementary through high school, including Advanced Placement—with flexible implementation models to meet every school’s and district’s needs.


This week's newsletter is brought to you by Drexel E-Learning.

Hey Teachers,

It’s never too late to add additional expertise and skills to your teaching portfolio. Drexel University’s top-ranked online teaching degrees and certificates allow ambitious teachers to pursue a distinguished education at their convenience. Available programs include Special Education, Educational Administration, Professional Development Certificates, and Ed.D.

Drexel University Online. A Better U.

Lesson Plans

Timely and Practical Lesson Ideas

Self-Esteem Lesson: My Positive Traits
Students gain digital literacy skills and build self-esteem by sharing via social media positive traits that define their character.

Best Instructional Videos: The Civil Rights Movement
Teach students about the history of the civil rights movement to put in context race-related issues we continue to face today.

Groundhog Day Activities and Games
Celebrate the famous critter with classroom fun for all ages.

Football Activities for the Classroom
Build Web, editing and math skills as you get ready for the big game on Feb. 2.

Winter Math
Whether charting cold weather or creating snowflakes, math comes alive in wintry explorations.

Internet Scavenger Hunt: Valentine's Day
Students will have fun learning about the true origins of this romantic holiday.

Search for more lesson plans by subject.
Explore our full collection of Lesson Plans of the Day.

This Week’s Teacher-Submitted Lesson Plan

Grocery Shopping for a Family Profile
Students learn money management by creating menus and shopping lists based on financial and dietary restrictions.

See more Teacher-Submitted Lesson Plans.

This Week’s Early Childhood Resource

Animals Stay Warm With Blubber
This creative experiment demonstrates how whales and other animals stay warm in cold temperatures.

See more Early Childhood Activities.

Bookmark our home page, EducationWorld.com, and come back often to find new content posted daily.

Professional Development


Best Practices for Flipped Classrooms
Hear what experienced "flippers" have to say about this promising instructional strategy.

Top 5 Growing Career Fields
Here are five hot career areas students should consider.

Fundraiser Review: Entertainment Coupon Books
The well-known Entertainment book of coupons features discounts locally as well as on national brands.

Practicing Love & Logic Can Mean a Happier School
This approach stresses positive teacher-student relationships, empathetic adults and differentiated consequences.

Nurturing Resilience in Children
Once thought to be an inborn trait, resiliency can be developed and cultivated with help from educators.

Common Core Classroom Strategies
Learn about five shifts that should be happening in every classroom to ensure student success.

To access more great content, check out our Professional Development Archive and our Professional Development Channel Page.

Highlighted Columnist

Some Classroom "Dilemmas" Are Beneficial
Use moral dilemmas to develop students' intrapersonal intelligence.

See more Professional Development Columnists.

 Explore the Education World Community

The new Education World Community, a FREE professional network for educators, offers teachers and administrators the opportunity to meaningfully interact with others in the field. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out this powerful resource.

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iPad App Review: Bridge Constructor
Students can use a variety of techniques to span a number of openings.

Tech in the Classroom: Laser Projection Virtual Keyboard
This neat little box projects a virtual keyboard onto any surface.

Online Chat: Ideas for the Classroom
Well-implemented student chats support knowledge-building through "social constructivism."

Using Technology With Gifted Students
Read how 1:1 tech can be used to meet the needs of gifted learners.

Valid Internet Sources for Student Research
Learn to tell the difference between legitimate sources and less-credible ones.



Improve Instruction With the 10-Minute Meeting
Dialogue with teachers about the intended outcomes of student assessments.

Crowdfunding: What Do Educators Think?
With crowdfunding still somewhat new to educators, opinions on the practice have varied.

Fundraiser Review: Scents of Soy
The company offers a quality U.S.-made product with no up-front risk and a 50% commission.

How I Handled: A 25-Percent Failure Rate on State Reading Tests
Here's what we did to help these kids achieve and earn promotion to the next grade.

Enlisting the Community to Promote Achievement
Learn about the important role communities can play in motivating students in urban schools.

School Administration Managers Free Up Principals' Time
SAMs allow principals to focus on improving instruction.


Education Headlines
High-School Entrepreneurs Show Their Stuff
Kaili Kellam stood tall in her pressed oxford shirt and black stilettos, looking coolly over an audience of 20 fellow teenagers in a Babson College classroom as she not only bared her personal struggles, but also masterfully married them to a mock business proposal.

Is Common Core the Enemy of Autonomy?
An award-winning teacher argues that moving toward a coherent national system will not mean a loss of teacher autonomy.

'Mean Girls' Meets 'Gossip Girl' in Vicious High-School Facebook Page
Parents from top-tier Forest Hills HS in Queens were horrified to discover the students' dark secret Wednesday: a catty, cruel Facebook "confession" page.

When You Criticize Someone, You Make it Harder for That Person to Change
Daniel Goleman's roundup of brain research offers school leaders food for thought.

Mom Says School's Response to Child's Food Allergies a Human Rights Violation
Lynne Glover recently filed a complaint against Holy Name of Jesus Catholic School for allegedly discriminating against her daughter.

Are We Learning from Evaluations?
A shift that can be accomplished in schools, with no need for legislation or regulation, is the attitude with which we evaluate our students, teachers and principals.

8 Delicious School Lunches from Around the U.S.
Schools across the country have been working hard to implement updated nutrition guidelines for school meals. There are challenges, but schools' efforts are paying off.

Why Make Reform So Complicated?
For every initiative, a common theme emerges: There is simply too much to do, and most of it is maddeningly ambiguous and confusing.

Other Items of Interest

Community Discussion of the Week

How do you find the right balance between comfort, personality and functionality in terms of your classroom setup and decor?


Want to be considered for Teacher of the Day?

Think about your successes and challenges in the classroom, plus a few interesting facts that make you unique. Find a clear "head shot" photo of yourself and click here to submit!

School-To-Home Communication

Now, New.SchoolNotes.com is the FREE platform that can help keep you, your students, and their parents "on the same page."

You can post homework, create and share flashcards, keep a calendar of upcoming events, and upload documents, images, and favorite URLs all to YOUR page! Students and parents can automatically receive notification when you update your SchoolNotes page.

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